Sports Live Streaming,
Made Easy

Stream Your Sport Like a Pro

Live Stream Your Sporting Events with ease

Cam One is a broadcast camera app that allows you to quickly, easily, and affordably live stream your sporting events. With Cam One, you can add professional sports scoring graphics, timers, sponsor acknowledgements, and messaging to your live streams...just like the professionals.

Save Time and Money

Remove the Technical Hurdles

With Cam One, you don't need to be a technical expert to live stream your sporting events. Simply connect your social account (YouTube or Facebook), enter the event details and start streaming.


Cam One is very affordable. This makes Cam One a great option for schools, clubs, and organisations that want to live stream their sporting events without breaking the bank.

Put the Power of Live Streaming into Your Hands

Cam ONE is the easiest way to live stream your sports games. With our app, you can set up your stream in minutes and start streaming in seconds. No tech skills or expensive gear required.

Add scoring graphics, timers, sponsors, and messages to your streams. Live stream to Facebook or YouTube and/or record directly to your device.

Try Cam ONE today and see how easy it is to share your love of sports with the world.

Capture the Game, Share the Victory with Cam ONE

Register your interest in Cam ONE or to find out more please contact us here :